About This Game The solar system is ravaged. The Earth is gone, shattered to pieces. Nothing remains but a huge ring of rocky debris. Nobody knows why the Gate malfunctioned. It was built to connect our world to other stars, but only a handful of colony ships were sent away before disaster struck. The Gate is believed to have unexpectedly connected to the wrong star -one just going nova. Torrents of gravitational waves flooded our solar system and the Earth was immediately obliterated. The Gate then started connecting to random stars, spewing ashes from dying worlds, radiation from younger suns or even drawing in alien lifeforms. The solar system began to change. Humans and their machines live on: pockets of civilization have gathered into warring factions. Many adventurers roam the cold wastes in their spaceships, defying death and perils unknown -there are countless tales of monstrous machines and alien creatures preying on hapless ships. Real menaces or mere fantasies ? Who can now part the myth from the ever-changing reality ? In a world where humans, monsters and machine-gods fight for survival, something will eventually have to give. You play the role of a young adventurer, who just got his hands on his first spaceship, and is determined to make a name for himself. A routine scouting mission turns out to be something much greater when you encounter an A.I. called Ceres.Key Features:• Single-player tactical space combat.• Lead a squadron of ships and fight through a mission-drive storyline the way you see fit.• Third person view and simple yet deep point-and-click order system.• Your ships not only unleash deadly lasers or missiles, but it is possible to launch hacking attacks to damage or even take control of enemy ships !• Manage your set of skills as you gain experience. Special perks also appear when you perform well.• Hire captains and crews for your squadron’s ships. Watch them gain experience as they fight by your side.• Heavily customize your ships with equipment or weapons of different origins. Modify ship’s modules, armor, weapons, sensors or counter-measures.• Dozens of ship types which can be acquired and commanded, from the smallest corvette to the mightiest battleship.• Advanced damage system: ships can suffer critical and system failures in combat.• Loot anything that floats in space, trade items around the solar system to gain extra income, or salvage wrecked ships and even capture hostile vessels with boarding drones. 7aa9394dea Title: CeresGenre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Jötunn GamesPublisher:Iceberg InteractiveRelease Date: 16 Oct, 2015 Ceres Free Download [Keygen] pumpkin patch ceres ca. ceres in gemini. ceres queen of the asteroid belt. ceres liner contact number. ayashi no ceres final. ceres biotics. ceres library download. ceres south africa zip code. ceres freeway accident. ceres españa. eras bold font download. ceres crackers. ceres community center. ceres zip code. ceres police department. ayashi no ceres anime download. ceres engage the chain. ceres youth basketball. ceres rice model download. ceres pvc free flooring. ayashi no ceres soundtrack download. ceres organics packaging. ceres zip line. ceres bulgaria. ceres karate. ceres ny zip code. ceres 4.5 bluetooth. ceres data download. ceres ca usa zip code. ceres energy. ceres koop en verkoop. ceres roman goddess. ceres zip slide tours. ceres zipline tours. ceres wiki english. ceres cheats. gluten free cereals. ceres walmart. ceres in english. ceres number of moons. ceres earthquake fc 00g. ceres windows安装. ceres partners. ceres name in english. business license ceres ca. ceres solver windows インストール. download clash royale. ceres model download. install ceres on ubuntu. ceres freekeh. ceres 250ml. planetside 2 ps4 ceres server. ceres earthquakes. ceres optimization. ceres sms tone download. ceres facturas. ceres 9th house. grupo executivo ceres telefone. ceres fire department. ceres solver windows build. ceres primary school. ceres jupiter junction. ceres award 2017 finalisten. ceres bus cebu. ceres unified staff. ceres arena. certificado ceres en mac. wise guys pc ceres ca. ceres iphone. ceres bakery. ceres dwarf planet feels like NEXUS The Jupiter Incident. very fun and very tactical.. Enjoyable and satisfying, if you like this kind of space tactics. Quite a great degree of freedom to do what and how you like.. Originally I recommended this game only to masochists, as it was (IMHO heavily) bugged on release date.Seeing how developer is responsive and caring for his child, I have to change my original stance.It will still probably take some time to fix all the issues (which are getting smaller each and every day), however I believe they will be fixed. Save / load during quests is IMHO not recommended as it may trigger issues.pros- Story is original and doesn't feel generic.- Ships have large degree of customizability (each ship have slots for weapons and internal components which can be fitted as desired, oh the choices, larger weapon which drains more power or more drone bays ?)- Captains, each ship can have captain which increases (or decreases) ship effectivity, Too bad maximum level is 25, here I was hoping for superman and xman combined.neutral- Combat could be really fun when You decide to go tactical instead of buy that battlecruiser and obliterate them all. IMHO game should allow buying/capturing larger ships based on progress to enforce some tactics. But that's just opinion as some of You want to exterminate those little pirate, cyclops or mars forces, dontcha ?negative- All those insects are getting squashed.- Commanding multiple ships in fleet kindof sucks for now, but it's on list of things which will be fixed.- Game allows too many exploits which will make Your gameplay easier however will decrease fun factor. Some principles should be made less tedious (why is moving captured ship so freaking slow while capturing is quite easy ? why ismoving cargo between ships so tedious - drop into space and load by drones etc...)In the end all the bad things are not that bad and You'll get around them, because You will love and hate this game at the same time. After all it's said only those You love can really♥♥♥♥♥♥You off.. I’m having a blast with this game. I’m a couple of hours in at this point and there is a lot of depth to the game. I’ve spent a lot of time fumbling with my ship to get the loadout exactly how I wanted it to be, and from what I can see there is a boatload off things to do and to see in the game. There are some glitches, but the dev is really active on the forums. Would recommend 9/10. Looked like something I would have liked, but unfortunately the first mission wouldn't load.. Played over 20+ hrs and found way too many bugs with this game still. One would think all the bugs would be patched after being out for 2 yrs.One of the bug that made me stop playing was not being able to buy a ship without my game crashing. There was others but I can work around them. Just not being able to buy another ship, just made this game not worth playing anymore.Not recommended. Game clearly needs to be patched but the last time they patched the game was a while ago.. A very interesting 3D space tactical game for a gamer like me that mixes and matches features from previous games like Homeworld 1 and Nexus: The Jupiter Incident with RPG elements that go beyond the latter and a decent amount of content. The game has quite a few shortfalls though with weird design decisions that won't really jive well with gamers new to the genre, weird glitches that crop up without much rhyme or reason and either require loading a save or restarting the game, a fairly generic storyline that is serviceable but won't enthrall anyone and the graphics are quite dated all told.So why do I recommend it? Well because for someone like me, old salty git who learned how to play Dwarf Fortress because of the weirdness and promise of that game, who likes this type of game more than say Sins of a Solar Empire it is a game worth getting as it is a fairly rare breed. For everyone else there's the free demo available which does give a fair idea of how the game plays in general just be ready for a challenge because this game drop kicks your♥♥♥♥♥often if you don't think about how you approach a battle situation and it is deceptively complex in certain regards.For a less structured and more derpy view on the game feel free to check my first impressions video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4cvWMtF1JI. A good enjoyable game,with customizable ships,change there weapons and internal components like engines,powerplants,cargo hold and drone bays.Has secondary options to earn in game not just combat,there is mining and trading.the RPG system is handy to use and some of the traits are very useful depending on playstyle.a couple of small bugs hold it back at the moment but the core gameplay is all there and fun.remember to save often.edit 1 27/10/2015 a lot of the bugs are now fixed. You know you want it , get it , it's a great game , you won't be disapointed. I am going to start this review off with a bit of disappointment and some praise. This game could have been extremely fun. It has so many wonderful things, that you could say were borrowed from other games, that the Dev added to his game, that really brought life to the game. I love so many things about this game, from the leveling up of captains, using skills and perks (Very similar to Fall Out's skills and Perk system btw) to the ability to hack other ships to disable them, and using drones to fight or just board them and take command of them. You can train your crew, increasing the bonus they provide to your ship. You get so many options on weapons, and different options for system modules, like drone controllers, cargo bays and different bridges or A.I. With all these things, you really must be asking, why don't I recommend this game, right? Well in it's current state, the game is unplayable for me. I have literally spent more time in loading screens, saving and loading the game, than I have playing it. The bugs are plentiful, and game breaking at this point. I lose ship modules such as the bridge on my starting ship, and the power plant on the cruiser I purchased. My engines randomly stop providing thrust to my ship, the game decides to turn off my weapons for no reason, even though I have enough power for them. My fleet screen goes blank, so I cannot turn the weapons systems back on as well. The ships refuse to take orders at times, and the game decides to stop auto following a ship you double click on. The drones also decide not to return to the ship all the way, they just sit outside running into the ship, so I cannot launch more, nor do I get the supplies they were sent out to retrieve. Also loading a save with drones outside the ship, often times removes those drones from the game, so you lose them for good. I wish the game did not have so many bugs, nor such devistating bugs. At the moment, I am stuck between praising the dev for the ingenuity for making such a neat game, and cursing him for frustrating me to no end, causing me to spend more than half my time reloading my save, hoping my ships will follow my move orders, that my drones will return to my ship, that the ship I just boarded and captured, will let me sell it at the space station. I am about ready to give up on this game until some serious fixes come down the pipe-line. I know the dev is a one man show, but that is no excuse. If you can't handle putting out a quality product that is not broken, then don't put out the product at all. You lose the one thing that you cannot fix so easily, and that is your credibility, and right now, this dev is just about all out with me.EDIT 10/26/2015: Upon the request of the dev, I gave this game another shot, after the most recent round of patches, that he said fixes the problems with the game. I played for about an hour and a half, and it crashed to desktop twice in that time, which was quite an improvement over the last few times I had played the game. But I crashed to the desktop twice, in under two hours. That is much better sure, but it shouldn't be crashing at all. The movement system is still very clunky, and the captains still decide to ignore your move commands sporatically. Well at this point in time, with the bugs reduced to an unhealthy couple, as opposed to a cancerous truck load like before. I can recommend this game now, and if the dev keeps his word to continue to bring improvements to the game, then it should only get better from here.
Ceres Free Download [Keygen]
Updated: Nov 30, 2020